It's been ages since I've been here! Feels like the well of words is dry. I've been wanting to update my blog for a while now but kept postponing and neglecting it. Don't know if other writers would agree with me but the less I write, the less I want to write. Sometimes my thoughts refuse to make their way to the screen or to be blotted down on paper. But apparently, the only way to get rid of a writers blog is to start writing. (Makes no sense at all. I mean, it's called writers block because your mind goes blank...huh?) Anyway, I'm testing this theory now. (Don't know if it's theory or fact but will soon find out). I woke up this morning with a sense of urgency to write something at least. So, I decided that if it was at all possible to find my dreams in words then I'll attempt to seek and chase after my dreams as I write. I woke up early and couldn't fall asleep again so I lay worrying. You know how when you can't sleep you worry, and the more you worry, the less you sleep.. Oh my goodness! And I did mention in a previous post how grumpy I am if I don't get enough sleep. But it struck me this morning as I lay in bed, blurry-eyed, that life is the dreams we dream while we're awake and that, instead of wishing we could fall asleep, we should dream wide-eyed.
I'd love to travel! Go places and see things.. I believe it to be like breathing a different kind of oxygen. Something sweet. I've always had a burning desire to visit Paris. Maybe write books there. You know, paint with words in a small cafe as people walk by.. Or somewhere out in the open where I can embrace time and space.