Tuesday, 24 January 2012


 Stilte maak my seer..
Woorde soveel meer

Het jy nog bestaansreg?
Leef jy met gevoel?
Bloei jy..
Of het jy jou hartklop vir stilte verruil?

“Ag, jy weet ek’t nie bedoel wat ek sê nie!”


Jou hart is reeds verniel

Hoor alles
Sif alles
Beleef alles
En... tot die lemme dieper sny, oorleef alles

Hoe kan lewe en dood oor dieselfde tong gly?
Uit ‘n mond spoel en jou dors les
Of jou laat verdrink?

Wie sal verstaan hoe woorde verniel
As dit sonder grense jou woede weerspieël?

Janie Davel

I Can't let Go

Don’t look at me like that
Are you really gonna tell me it’s just me?
What is this I’m facing?
Once..twice..Then a thousound times fading...

What are you saying?
Keep me guessing..
When is the final bow?
Are you gonna look away?
Now.. then.. always running...?

I can’t do this anymore..
Just spit it out!
Tell me..
Wet your lips once more

You can tell me you love me
But if you don’t mean it, let me go..
I can’t wrap my fingers around your slippery lies

You can’t bear it when I look at you
Cause that’s truth staring right back at you
Truth of how I love you
If it was mere words
I’d swallow it
But you touched me deeper  than that
Now I can’t ask you what you want me to do
Cause I know and I don’t want to

I’d have to let you go
But baby, I just don’t want to
Is it the fear that you’ll never be mine?
That I’ll never see you smile in the early morning light

You want me to forget how your lips touched mine
But there’s a reason why love mirrors the divine

So I know this thing you ask of me
But I can’t let you go

Janie Davel

Touch Me

Can I whisper every secret
Let all insecurities fade
Draw from your eyes compassion
that will break the chains of hate


I know you love me
I know you see the deeper part of me
You embrace the worst
You love the best
But I...hate the heaviness inside of me
The fear that we can’t give each other more

Touch me..

Touch me deeper than before
I need to know our love is more than enough
Stop the tears from falling as you tell me this is true
Can I let my secrets burst through my pain as I open up to you..?

Will you love me when I’m broken?
Will you hold me when I cry?

Flow through my veins
Until my fears melt away
I have never been this close,
This vulnerable to hurt
Teach me what trust is
Search my eyes
Let your love destroy the lies

Janie Davel

Sterre of Ligte

Onder ligte of onder sterre..
Waar sal my talente leef?
Waar sal mense my die beste kan meet?

Ek lyk mos mooi met 'n spieêl in die hand
Almal moet wonder.. 
Ja, almal moet weet wat le soos gode in my kas

Ek moet mos alles toesmeer..
Ek wil jou met verlange nader trek
Tot jy smelt in my oë
en ek 'n lipstick merk uitlokkend op jou wang kan los


Passievol op jou mond..
En oor die lyne
Terwyl my gedagtes jou wese
soos 'n teiken skets

Ek  stap hier in
en almal kyk

Maar eintlik is ek leeg
Stil en leeg
Dalk word jy eendag wakker
met 'n lem dwarsdeur jou hart
Want hierdie porselein pop is eintlik stukkend

Ja, ek haal asem 
en hou vas aan my spieël
Maar my hart is tussen mens-wees en stomp gewete verdeel

Dit gee my geen vervulling om my lippe in te kleur
en onder 'n duisend ligte
growwe hande te moet keer

Hande wat wil voel en vat
want ja, dit lyk of ek myself bemark
en ek dink ek gee ook nie regtig om nie
want ek kan tog niks meer voel nie

Amper dood
maar tog geen asem nood

Ek is nie jou liefdes toevlug nie..


Janie Davel 

Sense of Love

She touches a soul like piano keys
Unlocks the potential of a heart
Though what is visible is only black and white

She speaks truth that never asks for proof
And when she sings she’s the mystery of dawn
Her whispers are comfort when the sound of applause fade
Her touch flows to the core of a soul

She sings and you are lured away
She speaks though she finds none to say
She loves quietly
Soothes her longings silently

She lost her voice
Stumbles in darkness
Still bound to play the keys of a heart
And make souls aware of silent sound

The only sense she’ll never lose is the sense of love
The touch that is never forced to spring forth in sound
The touch that only hurts when it is unwilling to sacrifice
The touch bound to praise
To answer the call of unending  grace

Janie Davel
9 March 2011


Will I reach out and touch you
in the memories of our days together
As I stare into the nothingness 
of what we become

I cannot mirror myself in this no longer
As the sight of you in the stream of my tears
are too much to bear..

What do you do
when the weight of love drags you
to the bottom of the ocean
drowning in the memory of you?

.....The sound of your voice...
The lines of your hands which I read as a love letter...
The sensation of your fingers caressing my lips
How your hands traced every curve of my body...
as you drank from the well of my mouth
quenching your thirst with every sensation...

I miss admiring your beauty
and seeing love flow from your eyes...
I miss your hand in mine
as we silently opened up our hearts to love

Will you return to me
Hold on to me
To re-live those days
when every sacred moment
were just you and me

Janie Davel  

Close the Distance

Are you standing at the doorway
do you hope to find a reason to believe
is the distance getting closer
are you entering the spaces in between

touch my face
caress my skin
get a little closer
cause i know this love will not fade away

if i ever fall
i will fall for you
fall deeper into you
and if i ever run
i will run to you
if ever i give myself away
it'll be only to you

are you losing  false security
are you mesmerized by what you see inside
did you ever think there's a way to love
and that i would be the one to love you more

go deeper  than 
you once believed
lose yourself in love
cause i know this love will not fade away

if i ever fall
i will fall for you
fall deeper into you
and if i ever run
i will run to you
if ever i give myself away

do you know that there's a promise
do you know that there's a chance
do you know that there's a change inside of me

if i ever fall
i will fall for you
fall deeper into you
and if i ever run
i will run to you
if ever i give myself away
it'll be only to you

cause if i ever cry
i will cry for you
if life breaks your heart in two
if i ever break
i will break for you
if i ever love
you will be my reason to
Janie Davel

Turn Around

Why don’t you tell me what you really think
How you really feel
I’m losing control
Is this reality
Turn around and look at me
Baby, are you leaving me
Do not feed me lies now
Pretense won’t save us now

I was wrong
Now my owned strength is gone
Sometimes you underestimate your words
Cos you think you have power
But after every thing is said
The rain falls harder

I know I really messed up
Baby, can you hear me
Is it just me or are you fighting my embrace

So, what now
I’m suffocating in the weight of regret
If you can
Let me breathe
If you’re willing
In something better

Janie Davel

Courts of Love

Lock me in the courts of love
with your eyes..
Hold me captive
til we lose all sense of time
Touch me deeper
than what I’ve known before..

Let your love awake the passion
that’s been longing to escape
In the burning hours of the night
I will breathe your love

May I touch your lips
May I hold you near
as I let go of the fear
As I break down these walls
to let you in

Take me..

Touch me..

Hold me like you’ll never let me go

Janie Davel
28 August 2011


Life is a song I choose to sing
Beauty to unveil
Breath that God alone can give
Spoken words
Written words
Inspiring words
And even unspoken words
Life is locked up in the silence
In devotion of praise
and humbleness of prayer
Life is laughter
A longing for life found in many
A zest for life I have found
In all of life’s insanity
I have found that the essence of my being is love.

Janie Davel


I touch you
But how do I reach your heart?
I just want to close the distance
That's keeping us apart.
Will you let me reach deeper?
Or keep closing your eyes?
Why don't you see
I'll never keep you under
or strangle you with lies

I just want to love you
and I know you love me too
But I can't break through your eyes
You won't let me baby...why?

Why do you hold back?
Please trust
Don't build this wall
Cause the higher it gets
the harder I fall

When you hold me close
I feel your love
Then you speak...tell me you love me
I see it in your eyes
I always look away
before you see me cry
Cause my love flows deeper than you know
and I wonder if it's safe to tell you so?
It's always in the deeper touch
that we find the security we need
So let me love you
Let me tell you so
without holding back..
or the fear that maybe you don't
Take my hand
Let me in

Even when the lights go down
and you can't see my face
In tose momets..speak
Just be..

Maybe you are scared
because the hurt cut so deep
But all I know is I love you
and I want you to know

Janie Davel

I Know your Name

Do you know what I see when I look at you?
Do you know the true measure of My love for you?

A love that stretches beyond the fears and guilt
That is hidden in silence when everybody looks your way
They don’t know you
Yet they judge you
But their human eyes don’t see the way I do

Do you see that there’s no distance too wide for Me to cross?
And that I see in you the reason for a blood-stained wooden cross?

There is life beyond the shadows
There is truth that will demolish every lie

You are the one that I love
I have chosen you
I know your name

I look beyond all your efforts made of clay
To search a heart that has been lost
But now I call you to believe
Cos you were destined  to live

I see in you a bride of beauty divine
I love you deeply
Long to make you MINE.

Janie Davel


In besige strate loop hartseer alleen
In beddens le dit saans verbloem
want daar is niks waarin hartseer kan roem

Dit skuil tussen berge
Word vermom tussen mense
Kry soms ‘n stem wat bewe
Wat stry teen wat dit aan jou doen

Waar  verkragting liefde is,
is hartseer geen verweer
Is dit so diep gewortel dat dit jou wese beheer

As jy lag sal niemand weet hoe jy verniel is,
wonder of jy ooit weer heel sal wees

Soggens maak jou seer jou wakker
Dwing dit jou genadeloos om trane te keer
Wat doen jy as jy voel jy kan nie meer?

Want almal het ‘n hart met onbeheerste emosies-
en haat

Elke hart wil deel, wil praat
Wil die seer van die verlede beter maak
Elke hart wil liefde smaak

Elkeen leef met sy eie stem
Sy eie keuses
Sy eie kuns van oorlewing

Want jy haal asem
Jy leef maar in wese is jy dood
want niemand hoor jou hart se nood

Jou wonde toegesmeer
maar die sout van jou trane drip deur die seer

Janie Davel
6 Maart 2011

Donker Sluiers

Donker donker sluiers
Wat met gewigte jou emosies bly tap..

Jou hand skyn deur die gordyn van jou siel
Maar daar is niks om aan te raak nie
Onaangeraak deur liefde
So verniel deur die lewe

Jou stem agter glas
So dood soos jou jou oë
Kan jy sien hoe jy bloed uit jou are tap?
Weet jy wat jy doen?

Kyk  na die bloedspore
In die gange van jou hart
Hoe het alleenheid jou dan so verteer?
Wat lê so diep begrawe
Dat jy stukkend deur glas oë bly staar?

Janie Davel
20 November 2010


Lewe is 'n teiken wat almal graag wil tref.
Elke hart vertel 'n dorre verhaal van seerky en 'n hunkering na soveel meer..

Lewe is water wat die siel se dors sal les.
Maar woorde is soms lemme wat die hart vir ewig kwes.

Ver en wyd gaan soek ek na vrede..
Leef ek dan nie meer?
Het ek êrens tussen wraak en bloed-spoor met my hart betaal?

Bloeisels kleur die strate in.
Selfs 'n reuk aan elke blaar.
Maar die mens het tog 'n keuse en dit is die gevaar.

"Bly 'n rukkie langer," smeek die eensaamheid vanaand.
Die hande van eensaamheid is dood. Geen gevoel..
Geen teken van lewe.

'n Dowwe beeld van more.
Jou skerp woorde op my spieël geskryf..

Die hart bly die mees kwesbare skepping.
Jou woorde 'n lem met bloed bevlek.

Janie Davel
27 Mei 2010

Dans met My

Ek het jou toegedraai in watte
en met dooie oë na jou gestaar
Kon nooit vind wat diep binne jou lê
So geheimsinnig soos 'n sluier
So morbied soos die donker..

Moet ek wonder- Is dit jy?
Wat skuil agter die deure van jou oë?

Wees tog kind as jy my lewenslus bewonder
Ek staan soekend langs jou
met die letsels van die lewe

Leef deur die wind wat die blare roer
as ek jou stem nie langer kan hoor
Sing vir my deur die riete
Gee my jou hand
Net 'n stukkie van jou
Die sout van jou trane
Die diepte van jou liefde


Voor jou asem jou beveel om vir ewig stil te bly

Dans met my..

Janie Davel

3 Oktober 2010

Black Tears

I cried black tears
that turned to velvet
in the light of the sun
I know you may be deceived
into believing that when you turn away,
I will forget..
But instead,
oil leaks from my lamp
as I attempt to make words
The evidence of how deep my love flows for you

Like crystals in the light of the stars..

Even when I close my eyes
and no longer gaze upon your beauty
Even then you will be a part of me

Janie Davel
5 December 2010